/* Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm */ /* Source Code Written By Vishal Nagda In DEV C++ */
/* Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm */ /* Source Code Written By Vishal Nagda In DEV C++ */
Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm * Get starting (x,y) & ending (x1,y1) coordinates. * Plot pixel at x & y coordinate. * Calculate delta x (dx = x1-x) & delta y (dy = y1-y). * Calculate p = 2*dy - dx. * Repeat from i=0 to i<=dx-1. - Check IF p<0 THEN : plot pixel at ++x & y coordinate and calculate p = p+(2*dy). OTHERWISE : Plot pixel at ++x & ++y and calculate p = p+(2*dy)-(2*dx).
#include<graphics.h> void bld(double,double,double,double); int main() { initwindow(800,600,"Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm"); outtextxy(20,20,"Line Draw UsingBresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm"); bld(200,100,500,100); while(!kbhit()); return 0; } void bld(double x,double y,double x1,double y1) { putpixel((int)x,(int)y,-1); double dx=x1-x, dy=y1-y; double p=(2*dy)-dx, i=0; do{ if(p<0) { putpixel((int)++x, (int)y, -1); p=p+(2*dy); } else { putpixel((int)++x, (int)++y, -1); p=p+(2*dy)-(2*dx); } } while(++i<=(dx-1)); }