Archive for 2015
CPU Scheduling Algorithms
In a simple system running a single process, the time spent waiting for I/O is wasted, and those CPU cycles are lost forever. A scheduling system allows one process to use the CPU while another is waiting for I/O, thereby making full use of otherwise lost CPU cycles. The following subsections will explain several common scheduling strategies, looking at only a single CPU burst each for a small number of processes. Obviously real systems have to deal with a lot more simultaneous processes executing their CPU-I/O burst cycles.1. First-Come First-Serve Scheduling (FCFS) 2. Shortest Job First ( Non Primitive) 3. Priority Scheduling algorithm 4. Round Robin Scheduling algorithm 5. FIFO Page Replacement algorithm 6. Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm 7. Least Recently Use(LRU) Page Replacement Algorithm 8. Banker's Algorithm
C plus plus Programming
In the early 1980’s, also at Bell Laboratories, another programming language was created which was based upon the C language. This new language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup and was called C++. Stroustrup states that the purpose of C++ is to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer. When he designed C++, he added OOP (Object Oriented Programming) features to C without significantly changing the C component. Thus C++ is a “relative” (called a superset) of C, meaning that any valid C program is also a valid C++ program.
1. Print "Hello" in C++
2. If - else Condition
3. Factorial Number Using Recursive Function
4. Switch Case Using C++
5. Create Class and Object
6. Making A Constructor
7. Function Overloading
8. Operator Overloading
9. Simgle Inheritance
10. Polymorphism in C++
11. Exception Handling
12. Template Using in C++
JAVA Programming
Java is a simple and yet powerful object oriented programming language and it is in many respects similar to C++. Java originated at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. It was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, Inc. It was developed to provide a platform-independent programming language. This site gives you an Introduction to Java Programming accompanied with many java examples. Its a complete course in java programming for beginners to advanced java.
1. Hello Print in java
2. Addition of Two Number
3. Swapping of Two Number Without Three Variable
4. Swapping of Two Number With Three Variable
5. Check number is even and odd by if-else condition
6. Count 1 to 10 by using while loop
7. Count 1 to 10 by using do-while loop
8. Find factorial number by using for loop
9. Arithmatic operation using switch case
10. Print Default Value
11. Addition of Two Matrix
12. Multiplicatin of Two Matrix
13. Check Prime Number
14. Marksheet Design in java
15. String Case Change
3. Swapping of Two Number Without Three Variable
4. Swapping of Two Number With Three Variable
5. Check number is even and odd by if-else condition
6. Count 1 to 10 by using while loop
7. Count 1 to 10 by using do-while loop
8. Find factorial number by using for loop
9. Arithmatic operation using switch case
10. Print Default Value
11. Addition of Two Matrix
12. Multiplicatin of Two Matrix
13. Check Prime Number
14. Marksheet Design in java
15. String Case Change
OOPs Concept's Using JAVA :
1. Object and Class concept
2. Inheritance concept
3. Constructor conecpt
4. This keyword concept
1. Simple Inheritance
2. Abstract Classes
3. Abstract Class Using Inheritance
4. Interface
5. Exception Handling
APPLET Concept's Using JAVA :
1. Print Hello in Applet
2. Factorial Number
3. Font and Color using Applet
4. Draw Smile (Face) Using Applet
5 Creating CheckBox in Applet
6. Arithmetic Operators
7. Create Simple Calculator
8. Create Application Form
9. Insert Image in Applet
NETWORKING Concept's Using JAVA :
1. Show The Localhost Address
2. Retrieve the content form the given URL
3. Using NetworkInterface Class
4. Given URL To Find Protocol, Authority, Host, Port, Path, Query, File, Reference
5. Compare Two URL Check Its Similar
6. Find Localhost Information
7. Simple Client-Server Concepts